

Gilbert Foliot
Bishop of London
Stone columns supporting arches form the side walls of the long hall, and wooden chairs are set up on either side of a central aisle.
Interior view of Hereford Cathedral, the lower sections predate Foliot's time as bishop.
任命6 March 1163
卸任18 February 1187
前任Richard de Beaumis
繼任Richard FitzNeal
其他職位Bishop of Hereford
Abbot of Gloucester
晉牧Theobald of Bec, Archbishop of Canterbury
於5 September 1148晉牧
出生c. 1110
逝世18 February 1187

吉尔伯特·福里奥(英語:Gilbert Foliot;1110年—1187年2月18日)是英国僧侣与主教, 出生于一个教会家庭,约20岁时在法国成为克鲁尼修道院的修士。1139年被任命为 格洛斯特修道院的修道院长。

Mosaic image of three men dressed in elaborate robes. The central figure has a tonsure and is holding a cross-topped staff and closed book in one hand and his other hand is held upright, palm out. The left figure is bald and holds a model of a church in both hands. The right figure is tonsured and holds a book in one hand and makes a gesture with his other hand.

有可能曾经在博洛尼亚学习过法律,也有可能在牛津或者Exter与Robert Pullen学习过神学。


1187年2月18日去世,中世纪编年史家Walter Map赞扬他是“掌握了拉丁文、法语、英语三种语言的杰出之士[1]

  1. ^ 巴特利特 下英格兰的诺曼和安茹的国王 pp.502-503