
模組:NYCS SSI/configuration

文档图示 模块文档[创建]
return {
	alltimes = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-alltimes',
		text = '任何時候停站'
	allexceptnights = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-allexceptnights',
		text = '任何時候停站(深夜除外)'
	allexceptweekdaynights = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-allexceptnights',
		text = '任何時候停站(平日深夜除外)'
	nights = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-nightsonly',
		text = '僅深夜停站'
	nightsonly = "nights",
	nightsweekdays = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-nightsweekdays',
		text = '僅深夜和平日停站'
	nightsweekends = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-nightsweekends',
		text = '僅深夜和週末停站'
	weekdaysnights = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-nightsweekdays',
		text = '僅平日和平日深夜停站'
	weekendsnights = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-weekendsonly',
		text = '僅週末和週末深夜停站'
	weekdays = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-weekdaysonly',
		text = '僅平日停站'
	weekdaysonly = "weekdays",
	weekends = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-weekendsonly',
		text = '僅週末停站'
	weekendsonly = "weekends",
	evenings = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-weekdaysonly',
		text = '僅平日晚上停站'
	eveningsonly = "evenings",
	weekendsevenings = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-weekendsonly',
		text = 'Stops weekends and weekday evenings'
	allexceptrush = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-allexceptrush',
		text = '任何時候停站(繁忙時段的尖峰方向除外)'
	allexceptweekdays = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-allexceptrush',
		text = '任何時候停站(平日的尖峰方向除外)'
	dailyexceptrush = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-allexceptrush',
		text = '每日停站(繁忙時段的尖峰方向除外)'
	weekdaysexceptrush = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-allexceptrush',
		text = '僅平日停站(繁忙時段的尖峰方向除外)'
	rush = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-rushonly',
		text = '僅繁忙時段停站'
	rushonly = "rush",
	rushpeak = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-rushpeak',
		text = '僅繁忙時段的尖峰方向停站',
	rushreversepeak = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-rushreversepeak',
		text = 'Stops rush hours in the reverse-peak direction only'
	limitedrushreversepeak = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-rushreversepeak',
		text = 'Stops rush hours in the reverse-peak direction only (limited service)'
	weekdayspeak = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-rushpeak',
		text = '僅平日的尖峰方向停站'
	limitedrush = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-rushonly',
		text = '僅繁忙時段停站(有限度服務)'
	limitedrushpeak = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-rushpeak',
		text = '僅繁忙時段的尖峰方向停站(有限度服務)'
	closed = {
		image = 'NYCS-SSI-closed',
		text = '車站已關閉'
	none = {
		image = 'Transparent square',
		text = '沒有服務提供'
	passed = {
		image_substitute = '<abbr title="Does not stop at this station">&#124;</abbr>',
		text = 'Does not stop at this station'
	default = {
		image = 'Transparent square',
		text = 'Station service unknown'