



名称(中文与俄语) 照片 创建时间 / 目前状态 授予次数 参考资料
Орден «Победа»
Order of Victory
Order of Victory

1943年11月8日 已不再颁授 20枚 [1][2]


Орден Крaсного Знамени

已不再颁授 581,300枚 [3][4]
Орден Красной Звезды

1930年4月6日 已不再颁授 3,876,740枚 [5][6]
Орден Отечественной войны
第一级 第二级 1942年5月20日 已不再颁授 2,627,899枚(一级)

第二张的图片 卫国战争勋章颁授给所有在大卫国战争中做出英勇表现的苏军官兵、游击队、安全部队成员。在1985年庆祝卫国战争40周年时,此章被颁授给所有在该战争存活下来的老兵,授予级别可能为一级或二级。
Орден Александра Невского

1942年7月29日 颁授中 50,585枚 [7][8]
授予展现勇气与果断领导的军官。第一面亚历山大·涅夫斯基勋章于1942年11月5日授给了第154海军步兵营军官伊万·纳札洛维奇·鲁班中尉(Иван Назарович Рубан)
Орден Суворова
第一级 第二级 第三级 1942年7月29日 颁授中 393枚(一级)

第二 第三张 The 1st class order is awarded to army commanders for exceptional direction of combat operations. The 2nd class order is awarded to corps, divisions and brigade commanders for a decisive victory over a numerically superior enemy. The 3rd class order is awarded to regimental commanders, their chiefs of staff, and battalion and company commanders for outstanding leadership leading to a battle victory.,第一枚苏沃洛夫勋章于1943年1月28日颁授给苏联元帅格奥尔基·朱可夫
Орден Кутузова
第一级 第二级 第三级 1942年7月29日 颁授中 669枚(一级)

第二 第三 The Order Of Kutuzov (1st class) was created to award commanders of fronts and armies for skilful evasions of enemy attacks and successful counter-attacks. The Order Of Kutuzov (2nd class) was created to award commanders of corps, divisions and brigades for skilful evasions of enemy attacks and successful counter-attacks. The Order Of Kutuzov (3rd class) was created to award commanders, their chiefs of staff, battalion and company commanders for skilful evasions of enemy attacks and successful counter-attacks.
Орден Богдана Хмельницкого
第一级 第二级 第三级 1943年10月10日 乌克兰继续颁授同名勋章 323枚(一级)

第二 第三 The 1st class order was awarded to front or army commanders for successful direction of combat operations that led to the liberation of a region or town inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy. The 2nd class order was awarded to corps, divisions, brigade or battalion commanders for a breach of defensive enemy line or a raid in the enemy rear. The 3rd class medal was awarded to officers, partisan commanders, sergeants, corporals and privates of the Red Army and partisan units for outstanding bravery and resourcefulness leading to a battle victory.
Орден «Слава»
第一级 第二级 第三级 1943年11月8日 不再颁授 2,620枚(一级)

第二级 第三级 The Order of Glory, modelled closely upon the Tsarist Cross of St. George, was awarded to non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the armed forces, as well as junior lieutenants of the air force, for bravery in the face of the enemy. A person initially received the third degree, and would subsequently be promoted to higher degrees for further acts of bravery.
  1. ^ (俄文)Шишков, С.С. Ордена и медали СССР 1918 - 1991/Orders and medals of the USSR 1918 - 1991. Владивосток: Ворон. 1996: 62. 
  2. ^ (俄文)Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 8, 1943. Legal Library of the USSR. 1943-11-08 [2012-02-25]. 
  3. ^ (俄文)Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of September 16, 1918. Legal Library of the USSR. 1918-09-16 [2012-03-25]. 
  4. ^ (俄文)Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of August 1, 1924. Legal Library of the USSR. 1924-08-01 [2012-03-25]. 
  5. ^ (俄文)Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 6, 1930. Legal Library of the USSR. 1930-04-06 [2012-03-27]. 
  6. ^ (俄文)Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 5, 1930. Legal Library of the USSR. 1930-05-05 [2012-03-27]. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 (俄文)Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 7, 1942. Legal Library of the USSR. 2011-10-11 [2012-03-26]. 
  8. ^ (俄文)Орден Александра Невского » Боевые награды ВОВ. Боевые награды ВОВ. [2013-02-15]. 
  9. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为俄文版勳章介紹,69的参考文献提供内容
  10. ^ (俄文)Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 8, 1943. Legal Library of the USSR. 1943-11-08 [2012-02-25].