讨论:乔治林一世 (埃德萨)



二︰内文漏译甚多,如首段“他将埃德萨伯国领土拓展到了极致”,英文原文为“He maintained the large and unstable borders through his martial prowess.”译者故意忽略了unstable一词,容易使人以为埃德萨伯国在其统治下,国土有增无减、威震四方,然而事实却全然不是;同样地,生平一节首段中︰“他在第一次十字军东征结束后跟随威廉二世抵达了圣地耶路撒冷,鲍德温二世就是在那里成为了他的宗主并赐他为托贝索的领主。”按照作者译文,让人丈八金刚,不知为何鲍德温二世会成为其宗主,并赐其领土,但对照英文原文︰“He arrived in the Holy Land during the Crusade of 1101 after the First Crusade, and entered first into the service of his cousin Count Baldwin II of Rethel (in the army of Godfrey of Bouillon), who invested him with the lordship of Turbessel, and later in the army of Stephen of Blois.”整件事就清楚很多,原来他们是堂兄弟关系;而同段同句尚有一节漏译,就是“他在第一次十字军东征结束后跟随威廉二世抵达了圣地耶路撒冷”,令人以为他是打完仗后才到,但对照上方英文原文︰“He arrived in the Holy Land during the Crusade of 1101 after the First Crusade”就可得知他是在1101年十字军进行时前往圣地。
三︰内文偶有穿凿附会之处,如生平一节末段︰“不久之后,乔治林又听说达尼什曼德王朝正在进军凯孙堡,而他的儿子乔治林二世误以为他已经去世,拒绝支援”按照此句,其儿子是误以为其去世,才不予救援,惟按照英文原文︰“Shortly thereafter, he received word that emir Ghazi II Danishmend was marching against the fortress town of Kaysun. When Joscelin's own son, the future Joscelin II, refused to aid the town, he commanded that his own army should decamp and Joscelin was borne on a litter before the army”根本没有提及其儿子是误以为其已去世,不知译者从何而知。
综而述之,本文实有很大的改进空间,建议作者确实补充来源,以兹考据。--孔明居士留言2018年5月23日 (三) 11:28 (UTC)[回复]