


劉光武,(越南語Lưu Quang Vũ,1948年4月17日—1988年8月29日)越南劇作家、詩人。他的妻子春瓊越南語Xuân Quỳnh也是詩人。父母雙方及其12歲的兒子劉瓊詩於1988年在一場交通事故中喪生。[1][2][3][4][5]2000年,他因戲劇《第九誓言》被追授胡志明獎[6]


  1. ^ Daniella Gioseffi Women on War: An International Anthology of Writings Page 324 - 2003 "She was born in the northern province of Ha Tay and died with her husband (Vietnam's most famous modern playwright) and their twelve-year-old son (Vietnam's most famous child poet) in a car accident in 1988."
  2. ^ Black dog, black night: contemporary Vietnamese poetry Nguyen Do, Paul Hoover - 2008 "Her life ended mysteriously in a tragic accident which also killed her husband, Luu Quang Vu, a poet and famous playwright, and their son. "
  3. ^ Muthiah Alagappa Political Legitimacy in Southeast Asia: The Quest for Moral Authority 1995 - Page 285 "Writers attacked corrupt officials in party and state apparatuses while presenting alternative ethics. ... attacked economic inefficiency in both collective and state sectors, as well, attributing the causes to neglect of individual economic interests. Luu Quang Vu's plays, which became big hits in 1987 and 1988, exemplified these themes."
  4. ^ Gabrielle H. Cody, Evert Sprinchorn - The Columbia encyclopedia of modern drama Volume 2 2007- Page 1423 "One of the most prolific writers of the postwar period was Luu Quang Vu, who created over thirty plays between 1981 and 1991. Truong Ba's Spirit in a ..."
  5. ^ Don Rubin - The World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre: Asia 1998- Page 578 "Among the other modern dramatists to be published is Luu Quang Vu (1948–88) who wrote TruongBa da hang thit as well as a series of plays that shook Vietnam during the late 1980s."
  6. ^ Lara D. Nielsen, Patricia Ybarra eds. Neoliberalism and Global Theatres: Performance Permutations, p. 155. 2012.