

拉亚( 阿拉伯语:رعاياraʿāyā, رعيّة‎的复数 raʿiya , 亦可拼写作raiya, raja, raiah, re'aya; 鄂图曼土耳其语رعايا国际音标:[ɾeˈʔaːjeː]; 土耳其语râiya [ɾaːˈja]reaya; 与阿拉伯语rā'ī راعي有关联),是指代鄂图曼帝国内负税的社会底层成员。在鄂图曼帝国早期,拉亚并未获准参与军事服役,直到十六世纪后穆斯林拉亚始有资格加入军队,但是(如此变革)对统治阶层产生困扰感。[1]

穆斯林世界, 拉亚字面解是为处于统治者或权威治下的臣民之意,即与自称为Askari(“军人”)的鄂图曼帝国统治阶层相对的“被蓄牧者”(“羊群”,其所产“羊毛”即税收便用作支持帝国的Askari)。在穆斯林米利特社区当中,拉亚是占总人口的90%;拉亚在整体而言囊括了基督徒、犹太教徒和穆斯林,这些群体不单止被征税以支撑政权,也要效力“专业鄂图曼人”的阶层。[2]而拉亚与统治阶层间关系,是由所谓“正义圈”(Circle of Justice)来界定;而“正义圈”事实上是地方军人与官僚,亦与Askari同样属于“税收享受者”[3]。不过在同时代及当代释义中,其也与Dhimmi通用,专门指称非穆斯林的臣民[4][5][6]


  1. ^ Greene, p. 41, quoting Halil Inalcık
  2. ^ Sugar, p. 33
  3. ^ 《鄂图曼帝国五百年的和平》导读:“近东病夫”知多少?——理解欧斯曼帝国本质 2019-06-09 录自林佳世子(はやし かよこ):《鄂图曼帝国五百年的和平:跳脱土耳其视角的非伊斯兰帝国》(オスマン帝国500年の平和),八旗文化出版 ISBN 9789578654662 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2023-04-15.
  4. ^ Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48, "Raiyah \Raee"yah\ (r[=a]"y[.a] or r[aum]"y[.a]), n. [Ar. ra'iyah a herd, a subject, fr. ra'a to pasture, guard.] A person not a Mohammedan (i. e. Muslim), who pays the capitation tax. (Turkey) (1913 Webster)"
  5. ^ Dictionary.com definition. [2023-04-15]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  6. ^ "Raiyahs,"--all who pay the capitation tax, called the "Haraç." "This tax was levied on the whole male unbelieving population," except children under ten, old men, Christian and Jewish priests. --Finlay, Greece under Ottoman and Venetian Domination, 2856, p. 26.


  • Molly Greene, A Shared World: Christians and Muslims in the Early Modern Mediterranean, Princeton, 2000. ISBN 0-691-00898-1
  • Peter F. Sugar, Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule, 1354-1804, series title A History of East Central Europe, volume V, University of Washington Press, 1983. ISBN 0-295-96033-7.