




然而,這個專有詞語出現在該模式的很久之後,在2006年由風險資本家弗雷德·威爾遜英語Fred Wilson (financier)總結了這種商業模式:[3]

Give your service away for free, possibly ad supported but maybe not, acquire a lot of customers very efficiently through word of mouth, referral networks, organic search marketing, etc., then offer premium priced value added services or an enhanced version of your service to your customer base.

Alacra英語Alacra的Jarid Lukin把這種模式稱作「freemium」。[3]

在2009年,克里斯·安德森出版了一本叫做《免費:未來的極端價格英語Free: the future of a radical price》的書,它解釋了這種商業模式的普及。同樣,它現在也經常被Web 2.0開源公司所使用。[4]


  1. ^ JLM de la Iglesia, JEL Gayo, "《Doing business by selling free services(靠賣免費服務做生意)》". Web 2.0: The Business Model, 2008. Springer
  2. ^ Tom Hayes, "《Jump Point: How Network Culture is Revolutionizing Business(網絡文化是如何展開革命化的)》". 2008. Page 195.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 My Favorite Business Model(我最喜欢的商业模式). Musings of a VC in NYC. AVC. 2006-03-23 [2012-08-13]. (原始內容存檔於2014-02-04). Free + Premium = Freemium? 
  4. ^ Heires, Katherine. Why It Pays to Give Away the Store. CNN Money. Business 2.0 Magazine. 2006-10-01 [2012-08-13]. (原始內容存檔於2015-06-19). But free didn't become a serious option until the Internet gave us low-cost online distribution. Adobe (Charts) did it with its PDF Reader in 1994, Macromedia with its Shockwave Player in 1995. Both became the industry standard, and those companies were able to make money by selling the products' authoring software. Running starts: Companies like Six Apart and MySQL are following the example of MySpace and Skype by offering a free basic product and charging for premium service. More from Business 2.0 Live chat: your new online salesperson The hijack-proof truck Server farm goes solar Fastest Growing Tech Companies Current Issue Subscribe to Fortune In these days of Web 2.0 services that rely on quick customer adoption, the strategy has become so common that VCs have coined a term for it: freemium. 

